¿Qué es una empresa BAM?

Este es el primer artículo de una serie sobre cómo iniciar una empresa de Negocios como Misión (BAM, por sus siglas en inglés). Negocios como Misión (BAM) es una forma moderna de decir que nuestro negocio pertenece a Dios y existe para Su gloria y Su propósito. No es un concepto nuevo y en realidad…

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Listen to the Market

This is the 5th installment in a series on starting a Business as Mission company. Launching a Business as Mission (BAM) venture is like embarking on a grand adventure. It’s exciting, challenging, and, if done right, incredibly rewarding. But before you set sail, you need a map – a well-conducted market survey. Here’s a straightforward…

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Just What Is My Mission?

This is the 4th installment in a series on starting a Business as Mission company. “Mission” used here is not the usual “mission statement” that most companies craft and post (regardless of whether they mean it or execute it). In this series, “mission” refers to the specific assignment within God’s great mission (aka, the Great…

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Finding a Need You Can Meet Better Than Others

This is the Third Installment in the Series on Starting a BAM Company At the heart of any successful venture is the ability to identify and meet a need better than anyone else. In this installment of our series, we’ll explore how you can discover those needs and position your business to serve them effectively.…

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What Does God Want?

The Second Article in the Series on Starting a BAM Company Conventional business wisdom says to start with an unmet need in the market—and we’ll discuss this in a later article in this series. But for now, let’s keep the main thing the main thing. What does God want? Business as Mission is not me…

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Our Latest Podcast Episode

Another great #BAM Story on the Business as Mission Podcast. Erwin Wietses shares his journey and how God is using him in Holland and around the world through business. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-baer/episodes/From-Cloisters-to-Comfort-Faith-Driven-Hospitality-in-Holland-e2j7p79

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Just What is a BAM Company?

This is the first in a series of articles on starting a Business as Mission company. Business as Mission (BAM) is a modern way of saying that our business belongs to God and exists for His glory and His purpose. It’s not a new concept at all and actually dates all the way back to…

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OK…Not OK.

OK—NOT OKCulture is “the way we are” or “the way we live together.” It’s based on values, operating principles, andthe hard to identify system of habits and customs. These govern our behavior. I’ve been trying to find afresh way to look at this and, thanks to Brene Brown, I’ve begun to observe “OK—NOT OK.” Growing…

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The Last Chapter

By Guest Columnist, Dick Weidner Legacy Ventures Network God has taught me many lessons as I have been involved for many years in business and ministry. The most important ones were usually learned the “hard way.”About twenty years ago, the Lord led me to start recording these “life lessons.” My intention was mainly to pass…

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Freedom for the Captives

Today I recorded a podcast with Rachel Nelson, Executive Director of Freedom Business Alliance (www.freedombusinessalliance.com). It was the third in-depth conversation we’ve had and, once again, I walked away impacted. Did you know… that there are over 40,000,000 victims trapped in human trafficking and slavery today that the vast majority are women and girls that…

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