Guest Blogger, Dick Weidener (CEO of Legacy Ventures Network) I began my semi-annual reading through the book of Proverbs today. God could not have made it any clearer that the key to living a Godly and fruitful life is to live wisely, but what isWisdom? Is it just knowledge, intellect and a good dash of…

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Leading a Remote Workforce (Part V)

LEADING A REMOTE WORKFORCE (PART V) Culture is the secret sauce of any team or company. It is the way we are. It’s the glue that invisibly holds us together. It is the force that releases discretionary energy. It is what attracts people to us and what expels people from us. If it’s healthy, culture…

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Leading a Remote Workforce (Part IV)

In one sense, leadership is the same in all scenarios. It’s about the heart more than the head. As one former boss and mentor of mine said, “It’s about winning and keeping people’s hearts.” Because that’s true, leading a remote workforce or a hybrid workforce is, on the one hand, doing the same things good…

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Security Blankets

By Richard Weidner, Legacy Kingdom Fund, TriVenture Partner Having 4 children, 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, I’m familiar with the part that a security blanket has in providing a child with a feeling of security. Be it a real blanket, such as Linus’ in “Peanuts,” a stuffed animal, or something else tangible that they…

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Leading a Remote Workforce (Part III)

The reason that I’m spending so much time convincing you that the hybrid workforce is here to stay is that until we embrace that fact we’ll likely put minimal energy into adjusting our leadership skills, practices, and concepts. It’s a new world. Consider this. I read a lot about companies and employers planning a wholesale…

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The reactive (panicked) move to remote work that occurred in 2020 is about to replace by a return to normal…right? Wrong! The pandemic drove us out of the last months of the industrial view of work that said we all have to be in the factory, we all have to be in the office, we…

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Leading a Hybrid Workforce (Part I)

The reactive (panicked) move to remote work that occurred in 2020 is about to replace by a return to normal…right? Wrong! The pandemic drove us out of the last months of the industrial view of work that said we all have to be in the factory, we all have to be in the office, we…

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When Leaders Fail

Contrary to much of the contemporary leadership literature, most leadership failures are not missing the objective, falling short of the goal, making a bad decision, or choosing a poor strategy. These are all business failures—and they do matter. But since leadership is about the heart, then leadership failures are, in fact, losing the heart or…

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What Matters in Leadership?

Many will tell us that leadership is all about achieving the objective, accomplishing the goal, reaching the summit. But, I think this kind of thinking and writing confuses what leadership is and what it’s about. The real test of leadership, the real measure of success is positive impact on others and not improving the balance…

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Ambition—Good or Bad

By Richard Weidner, Legacy Ventures Network (TriVenture Partner) “Ambition is that grit in the soul which creates disenchantment with what is and puts the dare in dreams.” That’s one of my favorite quotes from Max Lucado. It was brought to mind when I was reading about the Tower of Babel in Genesis. The self-centered ambition…

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