The Last Chapter

By Guest Columnist, Dick Weidner

Legacy Ventures Network

God has taught me many lessons as I have been involved for many years in business and ministry. The most important ones were usually learned the “hard way.”
About twenty years ago, the Lord led me to start recording these “life lessons.” My intention was mainly to pass them on to my fifteen grandchildren in the hope that they might learn some of them without the accompanying hardships.
One of my favorite lessons is: “Life is like a book; we write a page at a time.” One of the secrets is to realize when one chapter is over and another needs to be written. Even more important is that we get to write the last chapter. Any good book has a last chapter, when the plot is finalized, the threads of the plot resolved, justice is served and the main character walks off into the sunset.
Many of us are in the midst of writing that last chapter. We’re empty nesters, with the responsibility of raising and educating our children behind us. We have a nice house to live in, a sufficient stream of income to meet our needs, and time on our hands.
If you were to pick up a pen or, more likely, go to a keyboard, what would you write?
Would you recount days of leisure and travel, golf and paddle ball activities, hobbies, time with children and grandchildren, books read? The choice of subject audience would pretty much determine the content.
Now, let me throw in my “monkey wrench.” If the audience were God, and you were sharing how you spent your post-retirement years, and how you stewarded all the worldly goods He has entrusted to your care, would you show him vacation pictures and golf score cards?
When the last period of the last sentence of the last chapter in our book of life has been written andwestandbeforeourGodand Saviorwillwehear“’Welldone,thougood andfaithful servant,” and enter into our rewards, or will w e b e standing there still clutching onto those things of this world to which we devoted our time and energy until our last breath was breathed?
God has brought us to this point in life when we have freedom of time and resources to use for His glory. L e t ’ s n o t squander, or neglect, them on worldly pursuits. Let’s join the growing army
of God’s senior saints who are committed to writing a final chapter that excites the reader and pleases our Savior. It’s not over until God calls us home.
If you would like information on how you can become involved in missional business opportunities, please contact me at:


  1. francis682003 on October 27, 2021 at 9:52 am

    Great write up.

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