Think Time (Part 7)

This final installment addresses the question of how to turn annual intentions (Parts 5-6) into actions. We all know what the Road to Hell is paved with so, let’s move to actually getting things done! For your annual priorities (business and/or personal), I’ve seen 4 very useful approaches and tools. They are not mutually exclusive…

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Think Time (Part 6)

In the last publication, we started looking at the annual commitment to Think Time and focused on looking back to learn. In this episode, we’ll talk about dreaming or visioning to gain focus and perspective. Vision is often an abused and maligned term in today’s world…and for good reason. But a vision is actually quite…

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Think Time (Part 5)

In this fifth installment of Think Time, we’ll focus on the annual time set aside to think, reflect, adjust, and plan. This is not New Year’s Resolution time, the impact of which lasts about 30 days on average. No. This is a time to examine the past year–where you’ve been–and plan for the next year–where…

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