Think Time (Part 6)

In the last publication, we started looking at the annual commitment to Think Time and focused on looking back to learn. In this episode, we’ll talk about dreaming or visioning to gain focus and perspective. Vision is often an abused and maligned term in today’s world…and for good reason. But a vision is actually quite…

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Think Time (Part 5)

In this fifth installment of Think Time, we’ll focus on the annual time set aside to think, reflect, adjust, and plan. This is not New Year’s Resolution time, the impact of which lasts about 30 days on average. No. This is a time to examine the past year–where you’ve been–and plan for the next year–where…

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Think Time (Part 4)

In this fourth installment of Think Time, we want to look at building it into your daily routine. It can be very abstract to talk about your “Starbucks Time” and your “Extended Times of Thinking.” These are powerful and necessary but they’re also very easy to plan and ignore. Daily Thinking, on the other hand,…

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Think Time (Part 3)

In the last installment, we explored getting an hour or two a week to “go to your Starbucks chair” and think. We even provided an outline of things to think about. But, an hour a week is not enough. Few can give more on a regular basis; yet there are things to be mused over…

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Think Time (Part 2)

THINK TIME (Part 2) In our last post, we discussed the WHY of dedicated think time. In this installment, we’ll begin to look at practical ways to actually make this happen. The place to start (that is both practical and effective) is a weekly slot of time set aside for this purpose. Many of my…

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Think Time (Part 1)

I don’t even have to ask the rhetorical question, “Do you get enough think time?” We both know the answer. No! None of us does and we are the poorer because of it. The discipline of time set aside to think, to muse, to ideate is a thing of the past. Instead, we fill our…

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Beware The Cost Of Change Fatigue

Look, I get it. As if the pandemic wasn’t enough, business must (MUST!) constantly pivot and change if it is to remain viable and relevant to the market. This has always been true as when Shug’s rock weapon was replaced, rather violently, with Ruk’s spear. The bag phone gave way to the hand-held mobile which…

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Thriving In Chaos

girl wearing a mask in a crowd

Quite a number of years ago, management guru, Tom Peters, wrote a book entitled Thriving on Chaos. The thrust was how to navigate the whitewater of constant and ever-accelerating change in a way that brings innovation and greater success. It is a great read and still appropriate for today. I’d like to take a different tack and…

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An Aggressive Faith

As 2021 unfolds and things around the world begin to gradually open back up, let’s not fall prey to the “return to normal” wishes of the world. Instead, as BAM practitioners, let’s adopt an aggressive faith, a powerful hope, a deep commitment to “business as UN-usual!” I believe that this could very well be our…

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Reinforcing Celebration

Hint: this cannot be overdone! In every period of time, human beings love celebration and recognition. In a time like this and in a remote workforce setting, it matters more than ever. What do you celebrate? Winning, of course. When we win a new account or successfully complete a big project, there should be a…

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