The Last Lap
Legacy Ventures Network Kingdom Capital Fund
Legacy Ventures Network Kingdom Investment Clubs
Richard H. Weidner, General Partner
I’ve never been into running as a sport. Frankly, I’m not built for it: in baseball – a catcher; in football – a lineman; and in wrestling – a heavyweight. You get the picture.
However, I do admire those track athletes who run long distances. I marvel at their ability to come up with one final burst of energy and do an all-out sprint to the finish line, where they arrive exhausted, but rejoicing in having given it their best and not having held anything back.
The Bible compares our life here on earth to running a race. For almost all of us, it is a long-distance race of around eighty years. Many of us hang up our track shoes when we retire and, at best, jog through the last lap of life until God calls us home.
My good friend, Stan Bockmann, and I have covenanted together, along with others, to dig down and do an all-out sprint to the finish line. Our goal is to hear Jesus say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” as we enter heaven. Not well-rested from years of retirement leisure, but exhausted, worn out and rejoicing in the joy and privilege of having used up our gifts, talents, knowledge, wisdom, relationships, time, and assets for Kingdom purposes.
Why would we want to enter glory on cruise control? Going “pedal to the metal” through this last lap is not only God honoring, but it’s a real “hoot.” Using everything we have available to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission restores purpose in our lives. Let’s not spend our final days watching TV or reading magazines in the waiting room of heaven.
Let’s be an example to the generations behind us of what God can do with us “Old-Timers.”
Let’s rise up and embrace the opportunity to do an all-out sprint when the bell rings signaling the last lap. Make available your talents, your assets, your knowledge and wisdom, your time, and your relationships within the family of God to bring about His Kingdom on earth by reaching those who have not yet heard the Good News.
Do we really want people at our viewing commenting on how good we look as our body rests there, or do we want them to look and say, “That is one worn-out, used-up shell”?
If you would like information on how you can become involved in missional business opportunities, please contact me at: dweidner@legacyventuresnetwork.com | (856) 630-8415