OK…Not OK.

Culture is “the way we are” or “the way we live together.” It’s based on values, operating principles, and
the hard to identify system of habits and customs. These govern our behavior. I’ve been trying to find a
fresh way to look at this and, thanks to Brene Brown, I’ve begun to observe “OK—NOT OK.”
Growing your business. OK. Not growing your business. Not OK.
Being frustrated with a colleague. OK. Verbally abusing a colleague. Not OK.
Challenging a process. OK. Being critical. Not OK.
Terminating an employee. OK. Surprising an employee. Not OK.
Disagreeing with a client. OK. Disrespecting a client. Not OK.
Emailing. OK. Only emailing. Not OK.
Holding team members accountable. OK. Degrading team members. Not OK.
How about you. What’s OK? What’s NOT OK?
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