Leaving Home to Do BAM Overseas
It may seem a bit “out of sync” at the moment to discuss moving overseas. COVID-19 and various international reactions to it have virtually shut down international travel and relocation. The result is that many who are committed to taking business into the unreached and restricted areas of the world are stuck in a holding pattern. It’s like the opening scenes from the movie Casablanca where people are stuck trying to get out of the war and to their home countries; they are said to “wait and wait and wait and wait.”
Waiting is hard. It can be exhausting. It can cause you to doubt your call and to wonder if you misheard God when He asked you to start or grow or work in a BAM setting in another land. But you didn’t mishear. You heard but you are being tested and matured in order to be even more effective for the Kingdom when you do go (or go back)
Living among nationals in need of the Gospel is still a proven way that God reaches the unreached and the least reached. Historically, it’s always been more effective than traditional missionary approaches or using business simply to gain a “platform visa.” Real business for real people with real profits is how we mingle with locals, how we build ethical relationships, and how the Gospel spreads.
So, if you’re stuck don’t give up! Use this time wisely to gain experience, to learn, to study, to build your network, to work on your language skills, to explore virtual service and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your time will come. Your call will be fulfilled.
“Faithful is he who called you who also will do it!”
1 Thessalonians 5:24