Just A Few Grains Left
Legacy Ventures Network Kingdom Capital Fund
Legacy Ventures Network Kingdom Investment Clubs
Richard H. Weidner, General Partner
Many of you who receive these white papers recognize, as I do, that our hourglass of life is running out of sand. I really enjoy Southern Gospel music and am pretty much a Gaither junkie. You can’t get through a Southern Gospel CD without being reminded that “We thought getting older would take a lot longer than it did” (one of Bill Gaither’s latest tunes). The stark reality is that our days will soon be done.
Do you reflect, as I do, on the question of the legacy we’re leaving behind? Have you asked the question: “to what end”? What have I accomplished with the gifts, resources and talents God has given me? Will I hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?”
Addressing those questions is what has motivated me to be involved in the BAM movement through the Legacy Ventures Network. Another verse which continues to challenge me is, “To whom much has been given, from him shall much be required.” Everyone receiving this missile falls into the “Much has been given category.” How have we responded to the “Much shall be required” portion?”
It comes down to accountability. We will be accountable for how we stewarded all that God has entrusted to us. For some, that day of accountability is just a few grains away.
The results of how we invested our time, talents and financial resources does not end when we take our last breath. It stays with us throughout eternity.
In light of all the above, how can we justify hoarding our God-given resources for our use and our benefit? My plea is to live our lives with open hands and open hearts for the lost, the needy and the unreached. Be a part of what God is doing throughout the world, part of which is the proliferation of missional businesses. It’s never too late to change your attitude about your possessions; Scrooge saw the light and did. I’m sorry, but I can’t avoid another Christmas Carol quote at this Christmas Season: “God bless us, everyone,” and use us to bless others.
Should you want more information, please contact: dweidner@legacyventuresnetwork.com | (856) 630-8415