Introduction to Business as Mission (BAM)
This course, authored by BAM leader, Mike Baer, is a solid primer to the core concepts and practices of Business as Mission (BAM). Start or grow your understanding of what BAM means and why it matters right here. Topics include Origins of BAM, Strategies, and Sizes, and more.
Third Path Free Membership
Introduction to Business as Mission (BAM)
What It Means
BAM Origins
Describing a Kingdom Company
Strategies Size
Strategic Applications
Next Steps
Final Quiz
Course Final Quiz
Hi! Excited to be apart of this. Just looking for how to enroll.
Très intéressant, je comprends clairement ce qu’est BAM. Je peux donc commencer à mettre en application ces connaissances afin de créer mon entreprise pour le Royaume de Dieu avec le soutien de third path.
Thank you Mike, it was beneficial!
Hi , how do I get into this free introduction course?
Hi! Thanks for the wonderful insights shared in this course. I fully agree and am convinced that indeed a new strategy on doing missions is needed in our time and season.
Great one here
I thank God for the opportunity. Thank to you Mike and the entire team that made it all possible.
Thank you for making business as mission courses available.
It was great privilege to hear about BAM.it encourage me to think about go forward to be in market place. As I work in specific unreached people groups .
The introduction to BAM has help to boost my understanding on what I have to do as a believer. I am eager to start my BAM journey and help reach out to the unreached people of my country.
Thank you l’m very excited to start this journey. I hope to be equipped to make great impact in my nation and beyond.
Thank you , this is great . I am learning alot and looking forward to take this journey to the end
Great introduction to BAM. Thank you!
I am grateful indeed. I am in to the end. Thanks for the introduction to BAM.
The lessons are short, precise and relevant…thank you for the hard work to create them… I really enjoyed it..
Great start here!! Thank you and looking forward to more!
Looking forward to this instruction, thank you for building it!
Looking forward to this course!
Looking forward to learning this perspective.
I want to begin my journey with BAM and Iùm truly excited.
I think this journey is worth to be taken. I am truly excited.
Hello Mike. Thanks for the fireside BAM intro
I am Sobit Sapkota from Kathmandu Nepal. I am the owner of the Jewelry business in Kathmandu.
I am very excited to enroll in this course hoping to receive much of benefits through the training.
I am Dimion kadyamo from Malawi am so much happy and excited to this wonderful course expect alot to come
It is really a blessing to study and foremost to be part of this materials. Thanks you brother Mike for sharing your skills and experience. I am completely wondering why I know these lately. I know God has a purpose to accomplish in Rukwa region in Tanzania through BAM.