Введение в курс Бизнес как Миссия (Intro to BAM in Russian)
BAM pioneer Mike Baer lays out the reality that BAM is no mere program or fad. It’s origin is deeply rooted in the Word of God and the Word lays out guidelines and criteria for thinking about and living Business as Mission. Learn about the Vocational, Intentional, Relational and Operational aspects of a Kingdom Business.
Free Translated Course
Библейские Корни Бизнес Как Миссия – Biblical Foundations of Business as Mission
Урок 1: Introduction
Урок 2: My Story
Урок 3: Characteristics of a Kingdom Business
Урок 4: Vocation
Урок 5: Intention
Урок 6: Relationship
Урок 7: Business Operations