Calm in the Storm
Oh, no! Not another blog on change! Really?
Really. It’s not letting up and it’s not going to. And, I’m still seeing people with dazed looks on their faces all around me.
So, here are 5 tips to ground yourself in the midst of the storm:
- Don’t magnify the change in your mind. Keep perspective. It’s not the end of the world and the sky is NOT falling.
- Don’t magnify the change in others’ minds. Don’t be Chicken Little. Be a source of strength, not chaos.
- Find your calm—inside. And, yes, I do mean mindfulness and meditation. 10 minutes a day will help bring peace to the times.
- Connect deeply with a friend who will listen, encourage and challenge you. You don’t need to talk to everyone but you do need to share your heart with someone.
- Focus on your life purpose. Many things may change around you but your raison d’etre is a constant — an anchor.
Feel free to add what you’ve discovered as well.