Business as Mission and COVID19

So, like everyone else on the planet, I’m thinking about COVID19 and the destruction it has wreaked on people everywhere. Then, when I can tear myself away from worrying about its effect on me, I find myself asking, “Lord, what can I do for others? How can the BAM ecosystem respond?” Here are some introductory…

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Lean Waste #7: Motion

Now, of course I don’t mean getting your steps in but I do mean unnecessary walking around, driving around, etc. to get your job done. One of the things I’ve done in my lean journey is a “spaghetti map” of an office or branch. It’s simple. Just track when people get up and move to…

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Lean Waste #3: Waiting

“Please take a seat,” they say. “The doctor will be right with you.” Lies. Lies! It’s all LIES! They will not be right with you. They’re overscheduled and behind and even though you showed up early, you will WAIT until they are ready to see you. What a waste of your time! All waiting is…

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Does Your Technology Work for You or Vice Versa?

Do you ever feel that your technology is ruling you? That you have become a slave to the constant barrage of emails, texts, phone calls, voicemails, etc.? Duh! The other day a high level executive confided to me that he had already received over 1000 emails that week and it was only Wednesday. Here are…

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Where in the World is Jesus Not Lord?

David, the Shepherd-King, wrote that there was no place in creation where God was not present: Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of…

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