International Business Among UPGs

Unreached People Groups (UPGs) are those ethnolinguistic groups of people (Jesus called them “the nations” in Matthew 28) who share several traits. They share a common language. They share a common culture. They share a common geography. And, tragically, they share that they are not reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, meaning there is…

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Holistic & Integrated BAM Will Make History

Mats Tunehag In the global Business as Mission, BAM, movement we talk about taking our Sunday talk into a Monday walk. Whatever we believe and profess in church on Sunday should be permeating our lives and business practices the rest of the week.1 But we must strive towards a seamless integration of Sunday and Monday,…

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Godly Business Matters Everywhere

As the “West” becomes increasingly post-Christian in its orientation and darker in its culture, light shines even brighter. Paul instructed the believers in Philippi to “Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and…

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Six Words Leaders Should Remember

By Rod St Hill1 Much is written about leadership. My local Christian bookstore lists over 4,000 titles on leaders and leadership in its catalog. Nearly three-quarters of them are classified as ‘academic’. I want to share just six words that have gradually come to define the way I ‘do’ leadership. In no particular order they…

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Can you do BAM at Home?

The needs which BAM meets are everywhere. Addressing poverty, releasing captives, providing jobs, creating relationships, and opening doors for the Gospel are in style in every country. As the West, in particular, goes more and more post-modern, post-Christian, and pro-pagan, BAM is sorely needed. Take for example the “inner city.” Poverty is rife and has…

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Global Approaches to Business as Mission

Many debate the “true meaning of BAM” and, frankly, advance the cause, not one inch. There’s room in the big tent for a lot of different approaches; the common ground is that we know business is a high and holy calling from God and a tremendous way to bring Him glory in this world. The…

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Can Missionaries Do Business? Part IV

Again, yes! Don’t confuse doing business with being an entrepreneur like Elon Musk. They are not the same thing. Less than 15% of people have the “entrepreneurial gene” yet 90% are in business of some kind. Business is simply the discovery of need(s) in your community that people are willing to pay to have met.…

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Can Missionaries Do Business? Part III

Yes! The answer is empathetic, “Yes! Missionaries can do business!” But there are several “if’s” to consider… They can if they see business as a good thing from God and useful (not just acceptable) for the Kingdom. They can see that their call may include business and not treat it as a sideline. They believe…

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BAM: It’s Not Exotic

Over the years I’ve seen a lot of people who get hung up on what exactly BAM or Business as Mission is. Sometimes, I think that’s the main reason we don’t see more practitioners—confusion! So, let’s break it down. First, BAM is business. Think real business with real products and services and profits. In other…

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Creative Compassion

At the heart of all Business as Mission work is the heart of Jesus Himself. And that means creativity and compassion. Never have these things been more needed than right now in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. Let’s think about those two BAM characteristics in reverse. Compassion. Jesus was moved with compassion when He…

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