Creating and Testing Your “MVP”

This is the 6th in a series on starting a BAM company. Welcome back to our ongoing series on launching a Business as Mission (BAM) company. This is the sixth installment, and today, we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of creating and testing your MVP. No, we’re not talking about the Most Valuable Player (though your…

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¿Qué es una empresa BAM?

Este es el primer artículo de una serie sobre cómo iniciar una empresa de Negocios como Misión (BAM, por sus siglas en inglés). Negocios como Misión (BAM) es una forma moderna de decir que nuestro negocio pertenece a Dios y existe para Su gloria y Su propósito. No es un concepto nuevo y en realidad…

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Listen to the Market

This is the 5th installment in a series on starting a Business as Mission company. Launching a Business as Mission (BAM) venture is like embarking on a grand adventure. It’s exciting, challenging, and, if done right, incredibly rewarding. But before you set sail, you need a map – a well-conducted market survey. Here’s a straightforward…

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Finding a Need You Can Meet Better Than Others

This is the Third Installment in the Series on Starting a BAM Company At the heart of any successful venture is the ability to identify and meet a need better than anyone else. In this installment of our series, we’ll explore how you can discover those needs and position your business to serve them effectively.…

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What Does God Want?

The Second Article in the Series on Starting a BAM Company Conventional business wisdom says to start with an unmet need in the market—and we’ll discuss this in a later article in this series. But for now, let’s keep the main thing the main thing. What does God want? Business as Mission is not me…

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Security Blankets

By Richard Weidner, Legacy Kingdom Fund, TriVenture Partner Having 4 children, 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren, I’m familiar with the part that a security blanket has in providing a child with a feeling of security. Be it a real blanket, such as Linus’ in “Peanuts,” a stuffed animal, or something else tangible that they…

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An Aggressive Faith

As 2021 unfolds and things around the world begin to gradually open back up, let’s not fall prey to the “return to normal” wishes of the world. Instead, as BAM practitioners, let’s adopt an aggressive faith, a powerful hope, a deep commitment to “business as UN-usual!” I believe that this could very well be our…

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Have You Invited God Into Your Investment Portfolio?

Legacy Ventures Network Kingdom Capital FundLegacy Ventures Network Kingdom Investment Clubs Richard H. Weidner, General Partner I don’t know whether you have ever thought about your walk of faith being a succession of steps, each yielding to God’s call and the direction of His Word and inviting Him into various areas of your life. Obviously,…

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Leaving Home to Do BAM Overseas

It may seem a bit “out of sync” at the moment to discuss moving overseas. COVID-19 and various international reactions to it have virtually shut down international travel and relocation. The result is that many who are committed to taking business into the unreached and restricted areas of the world are stuck in a holding…

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International Business Among UPGs

Unreached People Groups (UPGs) are those ethnolinguistic groups of people (Jesus called them “the nations” in Matthew 28) who share several traits. They share a common language. They share a common culture. They share a common geography. And, tragically, they share that they are not reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, meaning there is…

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