Ethical Capitalism—Is it Possible?
We originally asked HR/Culture expert, Adri Dornbrack, to speak on Client and Vendor Relations for our Crisis Management for Kingdom Business, course. Following her heart, Adri gave a passionate and challenging discussion of “ethical capitalism,” and we decided to publish this on its own as a part of our Free Resources.

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So blessed with this Adri. Amen, am all in agreement with what you have said. The light of the Lord Jesus shines on His children as a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, in word and in deed, for His glory. God bless you more and hope to see and meet you one day.
Thank you Catherine! We are currently busy with a Stewardship program and hope to meet you on one of the online programs. Have a great day. Adri
Thank you for sharing your knowledge
I’m very thankful for your teaching Adri.
For sure this is ear opener to me may God bless you.
Thank you Harry appreciate!
Business, like governance, is thus not just making as much money as cheaply and unethically as possible! It is a stewardship responsibility with vast potential for widely positive results opposed to massively destructive approaches so often prevalent around us.
Hi Johan, thanks for the commend and yes could not agree more. Business is good but we have to make sure that we never forget our stewardship role as business owners or leaders or employees. Have a great day
Thank you so much Adri. We all need to be reminded about the fact that we are only stewards in Gods kingdom and about how God measures the bottom line of a successful business. In modern economies the all ready successful business people with access to economical opportunities grab all the opportunities as soon as they appear, meaning that people who don’t have access to the economy don’t get the chance to participate. As Christians in developing countries we must understand that we have a calling to create space for people with little access to the economy so that they too can share in economical opportunities as stewards of God.
Thank you Sister Adri! I am so blessed & encouraged by your insight, I am from India 🇮🇳, I am going to applying all your experience that you share, thank you sister.
Wow thank you your comment, it really means a lot and lets keep on encouraging each other using the Word of God as our true and ultimate life source. Have a blessed day. Adri
Good day Petrus,
I agree 100%. It terrifies me to think that we might be part or are busy creating more exclusive economies. It is our responsibility to make sure whatever we do that we include everyone in the community or country we operate within. Public practical theology is what is needed. Thanks for your comment.
Have a great day
Thank you Adri! I’m so blessed and encouraged
we are facing such a huge challenge : inequality megatrends affect clients and vendors, we have to be very careful in making any decision.
To be responsible steward is not very simple. Thank you for your insight.
Great presentation. Very helpful and enriching
HI Ida
Thank you for your comment. I agree it is easier said than done and for this reason we must make sure that we stay connected with like-minded individuals who are committed to change the space for the glory to God and encourage but also assist each other to understand what is required to find the joy, to love and to influence according to God’s will for us. Have a great day
A very positively challenging course. I loved the presentation. God bless you Adri
Thanks Charles and blessings to you as well.
Bé blessed Adri
Thanks Adri, it was an amazing inside into Ethical Capitalism. Really Blessed.
Thanks Roger appreciate. Have a great day
ciao ciao
I think also I’d christian people eliminate sins like ambitious and instead that could create wealth then opportunitities will rise up and wealth distribution will change. Would be a powerful testimony for the unreached.
Hi there thanks for your comment. Agree there is a fine line between ambition and greed. We all have a role to play in showing the world ambition that benefits everyone in society.
Have a lovely day.
ciao ciao
What a wonderful presentation. I love this, looks like a presentation directed to me. I am encouraged, challenged, and blessed. God bless you Adri.
This is the Christian code of conduct in the marketplace and the understanding of these will be the solid foundation to lunch Kingdom focus business enterprises.
Thanks Kingsley. God’s word is full of GREAT principles and I agree we need these solid foundations in our life again to benefit all. Have a great day
Thanks Manasse I a grateful for your message. This is the power of being connected with BAM and Thirdpath communities where we can encourage each other continuously. Have a great day
ciao ciao
Thank you Manasse your words means a lot. Stay encouraged, challenged and blessed.
This rings so true for the textile industry!
It’s a sector that needs a lot of good work on ethical capitalism. So much transformation and justice can come from transforming businesses.
Thanks for your comment. This line of yours “So much transformation and justice can come from transforming businesses” is exactly where I believe we can influence the world and it is not just in the textile industry or the leaders but in all industries and all stakeholders that we can transform for the common good. Grateful to be part of it.
ciao ciao
I’m grateful for this video. We must be the Beacon of hope for the people, applying what God’s word says. Thanks.
Business is the best way of building relationships and making people to trust you. Great insight
Agree 100%.
Have a great day
ciao ciao
Wow! Great encouragement, thank you
Thank you Francis.
Have a great day.
ciao ciao
Strong positive message of utilizing our influence to disciple others and fully demonstrate the love of CHRIST in all of our activities.
Good day. Thank you for your comment. I used to think that work is work and we should not mix church and work. “Keep it separate” is what I was normally told when I just entered the corporate life. It is when we realize that our relationship with God transforms ALL aspects of life, and our role as stewards can influence the world extremely positive like you correctly say. We can no longer separate the two but that EVERYTHING we do is to glorify God.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day
ciao ciao
Thank you Adri Dornbrack for such a profound and encouraging talk. I am challenged to try to implement these principles in my business and life at the same time i am encouraged that with God I can do it!!!
Trust you are well? Thank you for the feedback. Yes together we need to encourage each other as the Church to show the world what good business is all about. Not just about profit making but also to steward the earth and our communities with the talents we receive.
Have a great day
ciao ciao
Your presentation was filled with wisdom. I so appreciated your strong foundation and continually pointing us to the word of God on how we serve and build communities through business assignments. Thank you for teaching us how we should manage money/wealth, relationships in business, and the communities around us. Stewardship was a charge to all Father God’s given us…from family life, work life, possessions we’re blessed with, our spiritual gifts/talents, relationships, time, etc.
There was so much you’ve shared and quoted that needs to get rooted into our spirits, then put into practice. To whom much is given, much is expected….so humbling.
We are in the midst of starting a SME in S. Asia. Lived overseas for 13 years and have seen lots of corruption/brokenness(involving money) in developing countries in so many spheres of society (school systems, hospitals, NGOs, etc.). We are in need of Godly wisdom to help grow mindsets that are in line with God’s heart.
Thanks a lot for your response. Good luck with your SME and following and connecting with BAM leaders is a valuable resource. Have fun! ciao ciao Adri
This is such a great resource to be checking in on our businesses and plans to make sure we are ethical in our work, business and life. Thank you for the wisdom shared!
The last 25 minutes have put to rest a lot of the guilt in my heart for the interest throughout my life in wanting to create wealth. I pray that God will restore the years that have possibly been wasted as I sought to deny my ability and proclivity toward business and making systems and business affairs function well by way of profit; for the greater good. Adri has put into perspective and provided a Bible-based understanding of how my talents and skills, all my talents and skills, are to be used for the Glory of God and the building up of His Kingdom on this earth in a moral and ethical manner. I should have known. As a student of world religions, I have studied the idea that Judaism is considered the first “morally-ethically-based” religion. Thank you, Adri. This empowers me to move forward with confidence in the ventures that I feel God is directing me toward at this stage in my life.
Hi there
Thank you for your message it really really means a lot to me and us. I do not think any years could be wasted as it is part of our stories and if we walk with Jesus He directs our thoughts and transforms our hearts mysteriously and wonderfully. Everyone has a unique story, including our past successes and failures. We are all called to be Christian Stewards, what an honor! Luckily we are all human, with sins, and in need of a Savior. Enjoy moving forward with God.
thank you for the beautiful insight. I believe we all have different mission in this world. we are stewards of our talents and wealth. we can make disciples with collaboration.
Thank you for the lesson its true through business it is easy the preach the Kingdom of heaven
thank you … excellent info!
Great to take this course! Praise be to the Lord !
With Care for everyone, we believe the world will be a better place. Thank you
sometimes the trickiest part when working with a slim margin/mass model is we cannot give extra “profit” to the supplier due to competitiveness. Wish but low-cost service such as catering or inexpensive food can be tough. Just wonder how to balance between customer wellbeing vs supplier and us? It just like playing circus sometime.
Hi Romandito
Thanks for your comment. I do not think stewardship is only relating to giving money or profits. Stewardship is about understanding and living, knowing that everything belongs to God and that we have been appointed by God as stewards. This means that we will not exploit the earth or the people for the sake of profit and that we use resources in such a way to that we do it responsibly for this generation but also for future generations. We serve with ALL our talents not just money – so how (eg. prompt payments, our attitudes, good ethical resources / ingredients etc) we serve our suppliers and customers is a way of serving God. Trust this helps. Have a great day and good luck. ciao ciao Adri
This is quite amazing course thank you very much
Dear Johan,
Thanks for this well and carefully presented about client and vendor. I see that the overall theme to be observed is our role as stewardship for the Kingdom.
This is a balanced presentation. Thanks you so much.
Thanks so much for your teaching and I have mightily bless through your teaching. Having the knowledge is what is going to bring a transformation in our lives and that of our Communities.
Sone Charles
I have been pursuing this model of business for a while, basically from my own understanding of Scripture. In many respects I felt like I was alone. As I was preparing materials for a one day seminar for the Men;s Fellowship, today, I stumbled upon BAM, literally! To say the least, I was dumbfounded, pleasantly so! I immediately enrolled for the course, that’s how I am here. Thank you so much, Adri!
S’thembiso Daka, Ndola, Zambia
Great lessons
Greetings, Adri.
Thank you for following the Holy Spirit’s leading and putting forth the effort to create this insightful content and to make it widely available. I appreciated hearing the contrasts on capitalism, communism and another way forward through ethical capitalism.
Having an intentionality in business strategy for exalting the Lord as head of all coupled with scriptural examples of real people who modeled loving God and their neighbor in the course of business was helpful. It reinforces my understanding that it is through relationships that the Lord works out His purposes. I take away that I must allow more time in my day to prayerfully reflect the love of God with each person, strategy and commitment that I interact with. Thanks again. Well done!